Terms and conditions

These terms govern the relation between the participant of Riga Glamour Tango Marathon (here, after: the event) and the organiser of Riga Glamour Tango Marathon , represented by Zigmunds Lipins and Lasma Ulmane (hereafter: the organiser) in connection with registration, participation and presence at the event. The terms concern any communication and exchange the organiser and the participant will have in connection with the event, whether before, during or after the event.

General Information

  • Participants will be gender and role balanced.
  • The location features 280 – 300  m2 of wooden dance floor, professional sound system, a bar, 9 m of ceilling.
  • A maximum of 240 participants will be confirmed.
  • Priority will be given to those who sign up as a couple.
  • Access to the event is granted only to confirmed participants. Without completed registration process and a confirmed place participation is not possible to enter the event.
  • You can book only the full event. No single tickets will be available, even for people who lives in Latvia (Afterparty is exception).

Respectful Dancing

Please show a great respect to all the dancers you are sharing the dance floor with and to all the participants of the marathon.

For the most beautiful Tango experience for everybody, we ask you to respect the rules of Dance Flow in Tango:

  •  Use Mirada and Cabeceo to invite.
  • Establish eye contact with other leaders before entering the dance floor.
  • Respect the Ronda, choose one lane of dance and stay in it.
  • Respect and be aware of your fellow dancers and leave your feet on the floor.
  • Be mindful with your Boleos or Ganchos.
  • Be mindful when moving through space.
  • Be kind, curious and inclusive.
  • Dance with new people. We appreciate it if you change partners after each tanda.  
  • Dance safely and care not to injure other dancers.
  • In case of an accident apologize, make sure everything is ok and dance on.
  • Please, take care to look and smell good.


Your organizers Lāsma and Zigmunds.
